Scandal Episode 510: It's Hard Out Here for a General

Ya know it's hard out here for a pimp
When he's tryna get this money for the rent

Anybody else was singing that song when they heard the title of this episode? Cuz I did.

Reaallllyyyy good episode! I enjoyed it. Here's why:

Coming into last night, I lost my stamina for Scandal. I used to be so excited leading up to an episode...I'm talking nerves, fangirling, heart palpitations, the works! But yesterday I was super calm & super chill. Not even the cast on GMA could get me hype (though it was really cute that they woke up super early to do the show).

Then I went to an event with one of my friends from high school, had a great time and wasn't even stressing about the fact that I was missing Scandal live! I mean, it had been 3 whole months! I should feeling some kinda way, right?

Before that was the case. But now, I'm like Scandal is not going to be my friend. Though it will give me good times, most of the time it will devastate me. But most importantly, IT'S NOT REAL! IT'S A TV SHOW! So I need to live my life and not make a TV show the center of my life.

Said all that to say, my expectations were not high at all. I'm just going to watch and enjoy it as it is and you know what? I really did! It's like I went in with a blank slate and Olivia & Co colored it (literally) in a very interesting way!

1) Sally Langston

didn't MISS YOU!

I think Shonda nem have done a great job of keeping Sally involved in the weaving of the story as a whole instead of dropping her like a hot tamale b/c her tenure at the WH was up. [They're good at it to a fault *cough cough*] Nah but for real, I'm all for keeping actors employed. Anyways, most of the time i have no idea what she's saying. But I know it's always directed towards the main storyline of the episode/seasonal arc with just a touch of shade. I love it! You go girl!

2) Dinner With the Devil

Liv is coo coo cachoo with her father now. Cute or whatever. And this woman who was once notoriously private, is now digging the little fame she's acquired for being FLOTUS for a week. I mean, she was the first black woman to ever have such a position in the Scandalverse. But Rowan's words really struck home for me! She tasted that blood and she wants it. The only thing is she messed up because she let Fitz turn her into a housewife. She let him dictate what she was going to do when she always had the power! (bee tee dubz, Olivia sounded just like her father when she mimicked him. By golly! Kerry betta act her face!!!) I don't think she wants to be president (like I've guessed recently), I think she wants to be the power behind the president. That's where the power is...
The Popes have an interesting dynamic. I'm intrigued to know more about how their relationship has shifted. Also, when is Mama Pope coming back? I miss ha!

3) Olivia and...Hamilton?

I see what you did there Shonda nem and I lovehate it at the same time. I wish I could roll my eyes harder. I mean....Hamilton was the bomb. not. I digress.

Their sex scene was...okay. It was new & interesting to me seeing them interact like that. I mean, Liv was getting ready to go down on him!? ORLY?!?
Based on her body language throughout the tryst, I'm drawing the conclusion that Jake is solely dick-in-a-box (as he has always been) and now even more so. It was fast, frenzied and a lil bit all over the place. But it did shock me. That's what I can tell you. & I like how blunt and short she was being with him. To me, it showed what his purpose was to her. I loved it.
One may assume she's putting up an emotional wall to block her "feelings" for Jake. It's not in the text, sis.
She was very clear this episode about who she cared for/missed and that wasn't Jake.

3) NSA: Loose Lips Sink Ships

That caption has nothing to do with what actually happened with the case of the week. But just b/c they said "whistle-blower" like 10x in the episode, I felt it was appropriate.

Poor Jane Doe. First woman head of the NSA and she bout to lose her job not for anything specific, but because Jake is a puppet jerk and Papa Pope is the puppeteer with the master plan. I felt bad she had to be a fatality because of their shenanigans and fall into subsequent oblivion. Sucks to suck, I guess.

Also, Liv is still not on her game when it comes to "fixing" people's problems. Jake sure did fulfill his purpose in this regard--for her and himself both at the same time. #dickinabox

4) OPA

Quinn wants to be Marcus' friend because he's a nice guy and he's done nothing to warrant her not being his friend but Huck is being all
because Marcus is normal and they are not. I admire y'all not wanting to get your "weird B-13" stench on someone who is normal (especially considering how horrified Huck was when he realized how deep a rabbit hole he led Quinn into) but y'all gotta be a tad more diplomatic about it. He works with you. Don't be those people whispering up in the booth, in the back, in the corner, in the dark secluding yourselves. To Marcus, not only do you look weird, but it seems like y'all talking about him.
They're developing a rhythm in the office that's exciting me. OPA used to be the shiz-nie-ee back in the day. It seems like they're working to build something like it back? Maybe. Nah. lol As I was typing, I had to give myself a strong NOPE. But this OPA is it's own entity. It's going to be different, and I'm open to receiving them as they are.

5) Fitz & Abby

Yo, Fitz gotta get a life bro! He's whylin in the club...calling Abby at ungodly hours to talk about stuff that I'm sure is urgent but is of no importance or relevance to her and her job description. I'm glad she finally stood up to Fitz tho. Good job, girl.
So much for a Fabby/Abitz relationship. I'm glad. Because that would've been weird. But when it comes to Shondaland, expect the worst & hope for the best.

6) Mellie

So you wrote a tell all.? Good for you. Word on the street is it's lame. But Olivia will getchu right. My goodness, the juiciness of the mistress and ex-wife working together to make the ex-wife the next POTUS after her ex-husband. (If that's what Shonda nem have in mind) WHEW!

7) Jake & Fitz

Y'all working together? Again?
Ok, sis. Do you. But I'll tell you one thing, I'm gon be upfront and center when Fitz finds out that Jake's lying to him (although technically he's not lying b/c he & Liv don't talk they just f*ck but still).

8) Olitz
I love how Fitz didn't pick up Liv's call. Blessed my soul. I love how it's Liv sick over Fitz and not Fitz sick over Liv. It's really interesting, I tell ya!

9) Jake is the new head of NSA

Didn't even think how B6-13 is now back on the map wearing an NSA mask. womp womp. I hope the show doesn't go back down the spy road. If they do, I'll be angry watching.
 [or in the least, make it better than what it was. B6-13 was too consuming and annoying.]
One thing we do know, B6-13 is destroyable but the NSA is not. Smart move by Rowan.
Anybody else think Jake is a robot? Like an actual robot? I'm gonna start calling him that. He don't think for himself, he's controlled by the brain. The brain=Rowan. Boom.

In conclusion, it looks like Liv just might be back on track to achieving what we have to insinuate *rolls eyes emoji* she wants--more power.  You go Glen Coco. I missed my girl Susan. Glad I didn't see Lizzie Bear. I don't have any predictions. Just along for the ride.

last but certainly not least, DO NOT TWEET ME SCANDAL HATE. I can have dialogue about what you like & don't like, but don't be shady about the show and tell me how you hope it gets cancelled or think it's gonna get cancelled. You don't have that kind of power. I don't want to hear it. I'm still enjoying the show.

What did you think about last night's episode?

Tweet me @ candycela or comment below!



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